Have you noticed that many times in a Q&A session following a presentation, obvious questions are asked? It is an indication that the story of the presentation was incomplete and it didn’t underline the critical plot twists during the way. The following 6 principles are usually mentioned as an afterthought even though they should be strongly emphasized in the slides. This happens many times especially with sales decks and pitch decks. These 6 methods are adjusted from Dr. Robert Cialdini research and are proven to work again and again. Let’s dive into the slides, shall we?
1. Add an analogy
Do you have complex structures or mechanics to show? Explain those through an analogy. Use an analogy that everyone can relate to and are familiar with.
2. Do a favour
People tend to return a favour, if they have been given one. It could be a “secret” industry fact or number, or interesting results from your own study. Offer to send the information later through email.
3. Bring up the scarcity
Your audience wants things that are scarce, it’s one of the quirks of our human minds. In your case it could be a limited time offer, an urgent need in the market or the only product in your uniquely defined category. Visualize it and make it clear – your audience will nod and crave for it.
4. State an authority
Are you or your team experts? Are there any studies or publicly available data that demonstrate your statement? Presenting an authority will turn your opinions into facts, and make them easier to agree with at the same time.
5. Adjust to your audience
Do you have slides that have images or icons? Change the slides according to your audiences. If your audience consists of parents with kids, have those in your images. If your audience is a bunch of college kids, use those instead. It’s easier to buy your story and your product when people can relate.
6. Mirror
Show that other people exactly like your audience have done the same thing you are trying to get them to do. This could be your client references, user reviews or Facebook likes.
Be sure to read my slide deck related article about tips I always give to non designers.